On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Friendless <friendless.farr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm using MySQL 5.0.51a on Ubuntu Hardy Heron.

Hmm, that looks later than what I tested on (5.0.45).  I'm not wanting to
mess with the install I have on Ubuntu, so I installed the latest 5.0.67
community version on a test machine (which happens to be a Windows box) and
I still can't recreate what you see:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 5.0.67-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> CREATE TABLE `games` (
    ->  `bggid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
    ->  `name` varchar(256) NOT NULL default '',
[snipped all the others]
    ->  PRIMARY KEY  (`bggid`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.32 sec)

mysql> CREATE TABLE `expansions` (
    ->  `basegame` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
    ->  `expansion` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
    ->  KEY `expansions_basegame` (`basegame`),
    ->  KEY `expansions_expansion` (`expansion`),
    ->  CONSTRAINT `expansions_basegame` FOREIGN KEY (`basegame`) REFERENCES
    -> `games` (`BGGID`),
    ->  CONSTRAINT `expansions_expansion` FOREIGN KEY (`expansion`)
    -> REFERENCES `games` (`BGGID`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.27 sec)

mysql> select column_name, referenced_table_name,
    -> referenced_column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where
    -> table_name = 'expansions' and table_schema = DATABASE() and
    -> referenced_table_name is not null and referenced_column_name is not
    -> null;
| column_name | referenced_table_name | referenced_column_name |
| basegame    | games                 | bggid                  |
| expansion   | games                 | bggid                  |
2 rows in set (10.40 sec)

> As you say, this is a somewhat obscure bug. I guess the question is,
> do you want your product to work or not? You've acknowledged it's a
> valid problem.

I'll admit your tone here is starting to make me lose interest in your
problem report.  But, perhaps I am misinterpreting your tone, and I do in
fact like to help fix Django bugs, which this seems to be, so I'll just
say:  Django is not "my product".  None of the $0.00 you paid for Django
found its way into my pocket.  I'm a contributor, one among many.  That
doesn't make Django "mine".  Nor does one bug remove Django from the class
of software that "works".  There would be precious little software you could
call "working" if that was the case.

> I tried to use Django 0.92 when it was the latest
> version and inspectdb fell over. I can't remember whether it was the
> same problem. Anyway, at the time I just lost interest and ignored
> Django for a year. So I'd gone to the trouble of installing the
> product, I'd bought and read the book, and when I went to use it it
> fell over on the very first thing I tried to do. That's a pretty good
> way to stop users from getting very far with your product. But hey,
> you develop your product how you like.

You seem to be missing the fact that Django is nobody's product but rather
an open source project.  Community members contribute according to their own
interests, abilities, and availability. You've apparently hit a bug, due it
seems to your database having characteristics not considered by whoever
wrote inspectdb.  That's unfortunate.  You've reported it -- thanks for
that.  Please realize, though, that in an all-volunteer community getting an
obscure bug that you happen to care about fixed may require more from you
than simply reporting the problem, posting a fix that happened to work for
your specific case, and threatening that failure to fix the bug will  scare
away untold numbers of new users.

> Yes, my fix was fragile. I didn't have the inclination to spend a lot
> of time fixing a product which until then had done nothing for me. I
> presume there are people who know a whole lot more about the code than
> I do who can maybe even log into the website.

Sorry, but I don't happen to be someone who knows any more about that code
than you do, and I cannot recreate the problem.  So developing a more robust
fix is not going to be high on my priority list.  Since you can recreate it,
it might be good for Django and helpful to the next person who happens to
start out with a similarly configured DB if you chose to make the effort to
develop and post a more robust fix, but that's entirely up to you.

On the login, Ramiro has responded with something he encountered on a new
login that may help you get past what you are seeing.  There is also the
settings page option:


that I mentioned a couple of times with no feedback from you as to whether
you tried it.  This is a no-login-required way to bypass the spam blocker
that you may want to try if you are still having difficulty with the login.


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