since this turns up first I thought I'd post my quick & dirty solution
here for the copy-pasters of the interwebs:

    def children(self):
        class Union(object):
            def __init__(self, cmp_on, sources):
                self._sources = sources
                self._tops = [None] * len(sources)
                self._cmp_on = cmp_on

            def next(self):
                min_i, min = -1, None
                for i, top in enumerate(self._tops):
                    if not top:
                            top = self._sources[i].next()
                        except StopIteration:
                            top = StopIteration
                        self._tops[i] = top
                    if not top == StopIteration:
                        if min == None:
                            min = top
                            min_i = i
                            if getattr(top, self._cmp_on) < getattr
(min, self._cmp_on):
                                min = top
                                min_i = i
                if min == None:
                    raise StopIteration

                self._tops[min_i] = None
                return min

            def __iter__(self):
                return self

        return Union('title', [

On Nov 20 2008, 1:59 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 11:04 -0800, Luke Seelenbinder wrote:
> > the models are:
> > class Word(models.Model):
> >    ... some stuff...
> >    class Meta:
> >        abstract=True
> > class Noun(Word):
> >     .. some stuff ..
> > class Verb(Word):
> >   ... some stuff ...
> > code:
> > nouns= Noun.objects.all()
> > verbs=Verb.objects.all()
> > words = verbs | nouns
> > I get an error saying: "Cannot combine queries on two different base
> > models."
> > is there anyway to accomplish this,
> Not at the SQL level. Doing a union of two completely distinct result
> sets like this is not really a common enough operation to warrant to
> extra complexity in Django's ORM. Realise that, in the general case, the
> two querysets could have completely different sets of columns and
> everything.
> The simplest way to achieve the same effect is order each Queryset
> individually. Then you'll have two Python iterators (a queryset is an
> iterator) that are sorted appropriately and you just need to merge the
> results together into a final sorted iterator. In other words, you're
> doing a merge (or tape) sort where you've already sorted the individual
> sub-piles.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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