On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Robocop <btha...@physics.ucsd.edu> wrote:

> Esteemed colleagues:
> I've just built a small web server running django .97, with python
> 2.4, mysql-python-1.2, and mod_python 3.2.8.

There was never a Django 0.97 release.  Anything that reports itself as
Django 0.97-pre is an SVN checkout from sometime between 0.96 and 1.0 (which
spans rather a lot of ground in terms of changes).

> I've tested and can
> start new django applications just fine (haven't fleshed any out to do
> further testing), so it looks like the django install is properly
> configured.  However, when i try to run any of my old projects via
> "python manage.py runserver blah blah blah" i get these strange mysql
> errors, things like:
> File "/home/minh/skysale/../skysale/products/models.py", line 35, in
> Product
>    name = models.CharField(max_length=64, core=True)
> TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'core'

'core' was an oldforms-admin parameter.  It meant nothing (had no effect)
after newforms-admin was merged to trunk, and was removed entirely at some
point soon before 1.0.

> I get different errors in different projects, but they all have this
> same keyword argument error, when i know they're valid keywords.  Is
> there some special procedure for running previously created projects
> in a fresh Django environment (using the same version of Django for
> the fresh install and the old projects)?  Any help would be great.

If you've got code written for 0.96 then you'll need to do some migration to
get it running on 1.0:


Alternatively you can keep running on the older level, but you'll need to
install what matches that code you've written, and you don't seem to have
the matching level installed at present.


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