On 23 jan, 06:29, waltbrad <waltb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks. PersonForm is a modelform.  I'm trying to validate data by
> calling an instance of PersonForm.  (This is from Sam's 24 hour, and
> I've modified the example to accommodate the 1.0 changes.)  So,

NB : Alex already gave you the practical solution, but I thought a
couple explanations migh help !-)

> if request.method == 'POST':
>      if request.POST['submit'] == 'update':
>           message = 'Update Request for %s.' % p.name
>           pForm = PersonForm(instance=p)

This creates an instance of the PersonForm class. If you don't know
Python : Python's classes are objects, and the call operator is used
for instanciation (no 'new' operator needed).

>           c=pForm(request.POST.copy())

and this tries to call the PersonForm instance.

> And I get the error alluded to in the Subject line.
>  The author has
> something similar:
> if request.method == 'POST':
>      if request.POST['submit'] == 'update':
>           message = 'Update Request for %s.' % p.name
>           PersonForm = forms.form_for_instance(p)

This used to dynamically create a form *class* from the instance (and
it's model of course).

>           f = PersonForm(request.POST.copy())

And this was instanciating the form class.

Would you know off hand where in the documentation I
could find that? I looked around but just couldn't find much on the
request.POST.copy function or it's use in modelforms.

wrt/ passing both request.POST (or whatever other data mapping) and an
instance, you'll find an example here:


wrt/ the 'copy' method, it's documented here:

Using request.POST.copy() instead of request.POST is advised whenever
the callee might modify it's input (Python doesn't copy objects when
they are passed to functions).


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