On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Nathaniel Whiteinge <whitei...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Requesting a sanity check before I file a ticket.
> The API for directly accessing a database cursor() changes depending
> on if DEBUG is True or False. (Excepting execute() and executemany().)
> This shell session spells it out more clearly:
> http://dpaste.com/hold/112331/
> Is this intentional?

The results of dir() are different -- but have you actually found an API
difference?  That is, have you run into something you can't do with a cursor
retrieved when DEUBG=True that you can do with one retrieved when
DEBUG=False?  Take a look at the implementation of CursorDebugWrapper
__getattr__ in django/db/backends/util.py -- CursorDebugWrapper defers to
the wrapped cursor for anything it itself doesn't implement.  So -- is there
something you have found that the wrapping isn't supporting properly?


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