On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Hervé Edorh <senobo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> nobody for helping me?

It seems you have several problems:

First,  the code you are pasting has the indentation totally broken.


>i forgot, the first ulrs.py (in the project directory) is like this
> (r'^weblog/$',include('dibongo.urls')),
> (r'^weblog/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\w{3})/(?P<day>\d{2})/(?P<slug>\w+)/$',include('dibongo.urls')),
> this is the second that i put before. It for the chapiter decoupling
> the URLs

You aren't really decoupling things, because with the first entry in the URL map
you are correctly delegating all things under  weblog/ to the dibongo/urls.py
URL map  file but then in the second entry you show that you still want
to handle URsL for the dibongo app in the main urls.py. Ideally that
entry should
be moved to dibongo/urls.py ith the appropiate modification in the regexp
possibly merging it with the entry that invokes the
django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index generic view.


> urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.date_based',
>     (r'^$','archive_index',entry_info_dict,'dibongo_entry_archive_index'),
>     (r'^$','object_detail', entry_info_dict,'dibongo_entry_detail'),

The regexp for the two entries in this URLmap are the same (r'^$')
and, as the URL resolution is performed from top to bottom,
the one using the django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index
generic views is matching.

Fix these problems first and then post again if you are still
experimenting problems.


 Ramiro Morales

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