On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 14:53 -0800, Gok Mop wrote:
> I'm struggling with how to design something, and I'm pretty sure
> somebody has an easy solution.
> I need to store different information about different classes of
> users.  I want to attach those classes as the user profile to my
> django.contrib.auth.User object, so I can always cross-walk from the
> User object to my profile object, and vice versa.  The trouble is that
> I have more than 1 profile object.
> My multiple profile objects share a common superclass:
> class MyPerson(models.Model):
>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
>     (...handful of other things...)
> (In settings, I specify AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE="myapp.myperson")
> I then have 4-5 objects that extend MyPerson and tack on all the stuff
> specific to that object.
> When I create users and associate profiles, that works great.  When I
> 'restore' a user from the database and ask for the profile, I get a
> MyPerson object, and I've lost the linkage to my subclass...and I'm up
> a river.  

You get back the MyPerson object because that's the model you've
specified as the profile class. Django's model inheritance does *not*
automatically descend to the most derived child class instance. There
are a number of good reasons for that, all covered in other threads on
both this list and django-developers.

You can still descend to the child classes, since they're linked via
one-to-one fields, so it's a reverse relation access. Or you could
include a type field in the MyPerson model that indicates the type of
the child model, so that you know immediately which type of model it is.


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