Page not found (404)
Request Method:         GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in kyss.urls, Django tried these URL
patterns, in this order:

   1. ^$
   2. ^admin/(.*)

The current URL, lang/2, didn't match any of these.

And conf is :
urlpatterns = patterns('p2.front.views',
        (r'^$', 'index'),
        (r'^lang/(?P<lang_id>\d+)/$', 'changelang'),

On Apr 9, 8:14 am, zayatzz <> wrote:
> ah sorry. I thought that its probably some really small detail that im
> mssing that i didnt think about posting error. If i take
> (r'^lang/(?P<lang_id>\d+)/$', 'p2.front.views.changelang'),  out of my
> project urlconf then i just get error when i run language change- go
> to address that is /lang/number.
> And the error is the view does not exist one. it only sees admin and /
> urls.
> Dont know how to descrie it better atm - im on train atm and dont have
> project in this computer
> alan
> On Apr 9, 1:58 am, Briel <> wrote:
> > Hi.
> > When you have a problem it's great to be explicit about it so we don't
> > have to both guess your problem and find a solution. Does your 2nd
> > urlconf throw an error, are the urls not as expected or something
> > else.
> > Post tracebacks aswell if errors are thrown, makes it a lot easier to
> > detect the error and come up with a solution.
> > ~Jakob
> > On Apr 8, 10:42 pm, zayatzz <> wrote:
> > > >         if 'language' in request.session:
> > > >                 WTF = 1
> > > >         else:
> > > >                 request.session['language'] = 
> > > > lang.objects.get(fdef=True).short
> > > Figured this one out by trial and error.. replaced in with not in and
> > > it worked just fine.
> > > Could still use help with url conf
> > > Thanks
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