> I don't want to drag the meta-conversation out but I do want to say  
> that when I had half-a-dozen frameworks on my shortlist (before  
> choosing Django) either of those two responses would have been  
> useless. That's why I'm taking this tact now. There are better ways  
> of approaching a subjective question than accusing the OP of asking  
> for help with homework or telling them to just use trial and error.
> The first does no good at all and the second takes time.

I can't help but join Oli on this one. I thought the initial reply/ies  
to a perfectly legitimate question was unnecessarily curt and wanted  
to reply then, but not having any web.py experience, I didn't have  
much to add.

There was nothing to indicate that the original poster hadn't already  
done the things he was immediately jumped on for. Assessing a  
framework is not a case of just doing a quick app and deciding. Anyone  
who develops should be well aware that there are many things you don't  
realise until weeks of developing with certain tools.

I can understand why overly general questions like "what advantages  
and disadvantages" can be irritating to those who've spent hours  
trying to determine that for our/themselves. However, if the aim of a  
curt reply to seemingly stupid questions is to force the person to  
think a bit more about what they are asking, then a simple "give us  
more details about what you are trying to build" is generally as  

So in that spirit: Vishwajeet (apologies if that isn't the right way  
to address you), I'd suggest you give some more details about what you  
are trying to build as that is probably the biggest guiding factor. An  
example is in this old post (2005)...


...that compares web.py with Django based on the needs of the project.  
Choosing between Django and web.py doesn't need to be a mutually  
exclusive situation. You may use one in one case, the other another.

Anyway, I've further meta-conversed enough,


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