Thanks so much for the comprehensive reply!

All best,


2009/5/26 Sieker Adi Jörg <>

> On 26.05.2009, at 14:28, Sam Kuper wrote:
> > 2009/5/26 Sieker Adi Jörg <>
> > In my humble opinion. As soon as you mention users, the admin is the
> > wrong tool.
> > contrib.admin is for admin's and not for users.
> >
> > Another take on it is:
> > - Anyone that creates an account on your site, doesn't get to ses the
> > admin
> > - Anyone that you create an account for, might be a user to get to see
> > the admin.
> >
> > Hi Adi,
> >
> > Thanks for your take on this, and for the demarcation criterion
> > you've provided. This is helpful for my understanding of perceptions
> > of the admin's purpose.
> >
> > What are the reasons why you have chosen to draw the line where you
> > have?
> First and foremost the admin is designed and advertised as an internal
> tool for trusted administrators (I'm consciously not using user here),
> that's what it's there for and that's where focus will be put. I don't
> think a lot of thought goes in the direction "but how do we handle
> this is the logged in user is a normal user".
> Second what happens when you update and the admin suddenly supplies
> functionality that you don't want your users to have?
> Also the admin needs a specific set of js, css and images. I could
> override all that, but why override all that stuff if I don't need it.
> One of the things that the admin doesn't care about at all is data
> ownership. As soon as you have edit permissions for a model you can
> edit all records of that model. Also to actually get access to the
> admin views, the user needs be flagged as a superuser (I as far as I
> remember).
> Almost all of the above points (ownership, js, css etc.) can be
> accomplished by overriding certain method in your admin classes.
> But doing that doesn't feel right for me.
> If I'm developing a website like, picking up your example, facebook. I
> want total control over the functionality. The admin doesn't give me
> that. A third party decides on the functionality and if I'm lucky I
> can disable it if I don't want it.
> > You see, given that so much great CRUD functionality comes for free
> > with the admin, it strikes me as not being very DRY to manually
> > create a whole other set of forms/views/etc for users unless you
> > really need to provide the users with a very different look and feel
> > to that offered to the site's administrators.
> >
> > Does anyone else share my feelings?
> There are the generic views [1] which make simple CRUD stuff a breeze
> and it's all under your control.
> The admin is designed as a complete application not as a reusable app,
> although it's trying to be perceived as such a lots of the times (I
> hope I'm not leaning out the window too far with this statement as I'm
> in no way involved in the development of the admin).
> Also DRY, is "don't repeat yourself", not "don't repeat others". :)
> > Is there a third way? E.g. subclassing the admin's functionality for
> > front end users?
> Nope, not that I know of.

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