On Jun 19, 2:49 pm, gte351s <shi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Graham - Great post, I'll give mod_wsgi a try. Thanks.
> And thanks for all the replies. Here's the configuration file I ended
> up
> using, which worked (kinda):
> #------------------------
> FILE------------------------------------------
> LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so
> <Location "/mysite/">
>     SetHandler python-program
>     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
>     PythonOption django.root /mysite
>     PythonDebug On
>     PythonPath "['/home/gte351s/dev/django'] + sys.path"
> </Location>
> #------------------------/
> FILE-----------------------------------------
> Just to make it clear for someone new to Django who reads this and
> doesn't have
> a clue (like me) on the details of the setup - my actual application
> lies
> under /home/gte351s/dev/django/mysite (that's the root), and I suppose
> that's why the PythonPath needs to point one level above it. Once I
> restarted
> apache, I was able to access the app throughhttp://localhost/mysite/
> A couple of things I noted:
> 1. I had to explicitly write down the trailing slash in the url, or
> I'd get
>    an URLconf error saying the address was not found. In other words,
> I had
>    to typehttp://localhost/mysite/some-path/to access r'^some-path/
> $'
>    whereas on the Django built in server, typing the address w/o the
> trailing
>    slash words just fine:http://localhost/mysite/some-path
>    This could be just some configuration error on my part, I'm a real
> newb.

Don't use:

  <Location "/mysite/">

and use:

  <Location "/mysite">

like the documentation examples should say and you shouldn't have that


> 2. I had some permission errors using Mako templates, but I think that
> was b/c
>    I didn't explicitly give read permissions to apache on the
> django_mako dir.
>    I didn't dig too deep there, but this should be an easy fix.
> Thanks,
> Shilo.
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