I ve been PC user for almost a decade, getting enough frustration , I
shifted to mac osx and I am happy with it. Much less configuration required.
I ve just installed Linux Ubuntu yesterday. Lets see how it goes with Linux.


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Evandro Viana <viana...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Debian or Slackware
> more
> the best for developer is OSX
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Tim Chase 
> <django.us...@tim.thechases.com>wrote:
>> > Looking for opinion of the best distro for a developer machine for
>> > django.
>> >
>> > I'm on ubuntu now, its going ok. I'm having keyboard issues, and
>> > wondering if I should put the time in on fixing it, or just ditch it
>> > for say, pc-bsd, if thats what the cool django kids are using.
>> I've done Django development on multiple OSes and found 3 tiers
>> of experience:
>> Top Tier: any Linux or BSD I've played with (Debian, Ubuntu,
>> OpenBSD).  I expect other variants will be equally facile (Red
>> Hat, Suse, Slack, Gentoo, PC BSD, FreeBSD, etc)
>> Mid Tier:  Mac OS X -- Doable, but a few more hoops to jump
>> through.  Easiest since Python2.5's added built-in sqlite3 which
>> previously you had to build yourself
>> Bottom Tier:  Win32.  It's feasible (especially once Python2.5
>> added sqlite3), but I've found this a notably more painful
>> experience than on the other two tiers of platforms.
>> I haven't tinkered with Solaris in *years* so I don't know
>> whether that would be top- or middle-tier.
>> However, once you've got the base configuration done, development
>> is pretty easy no matter where you do it.
>> My $0.02
>> -tim
>> >>

Dhruv Adhia

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