On Jul 14, 1:53 am, Sonal Breed <sonal.br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to add django-tinymce-1.5 in my application.
> I downloaded tinymce_3_2_5 and installed it using sudo python setup.py
> install.
> In my settings I have following:
> [...]
> INYMCE_JS_URL = MEDIA_URL + 'js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js'
> TINYMCE_JS_ROOT = MEDIA_ROOT + 'js/tiny_mce'

I'm assuming that these paths are correct.


You could disable the compressor to aid debugging.

Everything looks okay at first glance.

> But i do not get the tinymce toolbar, in Firebug I get following
> tinymce is not defined at
> start : function() {
>  var t = this, each = tinymce.each, s = t.settings, ln =
> s.languages.split(',');
> This is compressor, i believe.

It seems the TinyMCE Javascript has not been rendered correctly.

Maybe the compressor could not find all files?

> Can anybody tell me what is it that I am doing wrong or is there
> anything that I am missing.

Could you show the generated Javascript?


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