I was wondering if it's possible to have an admin page always show a
filtered (or other non-default) queryset?

i.e. I would like the default admin page to show a queryset without
any rows that have a particular boolean field set to false.

I've looked in the admin views.py, but haven't found anything that
looks possible.

I just need to know if it's possible, and where to look...


(longer version follows)
I have a Model that I would like to display with two different
list_displays, based on whether a boolean is true or false.

I've noticed that any model inherited with no additional fields
specified shows up in the parent model's admin page listing.  I was
going to exploit this to make a dummy subclass of the model superclass
with a different list_display and register that with the adminsite.
Not sure if there is an easy way to do this, but who knows :-> there's
lots of django tricks.
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