On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Some Guy<djul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the help :-)
> overriding queryset in modeladmin worked for the filtering.
> as for the subclassing of the model..
> I've basically got a table with lots of columns ex.[a,b,c,d,e,f,g...]
> I would like to have one admin page show a,b,c,d and another that
> shows a,b,c,f,g based (ideally) on a boolean column in the table.
> If anyone has a quick idea on how to accomplish that one i would be
> most appreciative.
> On Jul 19, 12:53 pm, jeff <jmsche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not entirely clear what you're trying to accomplish, but in
>> general when I hear "dummy" anything, I have to think there's a better
>> solution. Perhaps what you're looking for is an abstract model class,
>> from which you can subclass your two concrete ones? 
>> Seehttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/models/#id6.
>> If you really need to restrict the queryset for the model admin's list
>> page, then yes, you can override the default queryset method defined
>> in ModelAdmin just as the link describes.
>> jeff
>> On Jul 19, 12:40 pm, Some Guy <djul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > hrmm, I found this 
>> > too..http://blog.dougalmatthews.com/2008/10/filter-the-django-modeladmin-set/
>> > the method used is def queryset(self, request): in the model admin
>> > class...
>> > This method is not in the docs, though.
>> > Should any of these methods be preferred over the others?
>> > any advice is appreciated :-)
>> > On Jul 19, 12:17 pm, Some Guy <djul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > I was wondering if it's possible to have an admin page always show a
>> > > filtered (or other non-default) queryset?
>> > > i.e. I would like the default admin page to show a queryset without
>> > > any rows that have a particular boolean field set to false.
>> > > I've looked in the admin views.py, but haven't found anything that
>> > > looks possible.
>> > > I just need to know if it's possible, and where to look...
>> > > TIA
>> > > (longer version follows)
>> > > I have a Model that I would like to display with two different
>> > > list_displays, based on whether a boolean is true or false.
>> > > I've noticed that any model inherited with no additional fields
>> > > specified shows up in the parent model's admin page listing.  I was
>> > > going to exploit this to make a dummy subclass of the model superclass
>> > > with a different list_display and register that with the adminsite.
>> > > Not sure if there is an easy way to do this, but who knows :-> there's
>> > > lots of django tricks.
> >

If you're on the latest development version of Django 1.1 beta I'd
make proxy subclasses on the model and register separate model admins
for each of them.


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