I don't know what you mean by mid-sized but I deployed exactly what
you're describing in a 45-strong company. We have occasional browser
incompatibilities with ajax but overall django was very much the right
tool for the job. As a bonus the company's clients can now access a
restricted part of the application to monitor their files and dealings
over https. Employees can also log in from home over https without any
software/hardware prerequisite. We're also planning on adding some
smartphone friendly pages for specific tasks (billing when employees
are working offsite).

My app is around 25k lines of python+templates

Hope this helps you make your mind.

On Aug 11, 9:06 pm, snfctech <tschm...@sacfoodcoop.com> wrote:
> I'm about to start a fairly large project for a mid-sized business
> with a lot of integration with other systems (POS, accounting,
> website, inventory, purchasing, etc.) The purpose of the system is to
> try to reduce current data siloing and give employees role-based
> access to the specific data entry and reports they need, as well as to
> replace some manual and redundant business processes. The system needs
> to be cross-platform (Windows/Linux), open source and is primarily for
> LAN use.
> My experience is mostly PHP/web/app development, but I have developed
> a few LAN apps using Java/Servoy (like Filemaker). I am leaning
> towards Python/Django - but wondering whether this may be
> unnecessarily web-specific. I really felt Servoy development was very
> rapid, and it was cross-paltform, but it was not open source (not to
> mention that anything custom needed to be Java which I find too
> verbose/ slow to develop in). Or maybe Open Office Base and some
> scripting is sufficient to handle my needs.
> So, my main question is: Does a web framework like Django sound like a
> reasonable platform to build a LAN Dashboard for a mid-sized company?
> Or am I thinking too much like a web developer?
> Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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