>  1. I have moved to the production server, and django is invoked with
> apache & mod_wsgi (previously used the dev server).

When using dev server, django serve all admin static files for you. Im
not absolutely sure, but when you switch from dev server to another
(im using fastcgi), you have to configure webserver to serve static
files instead of django _OR_ configure django to serve static files
(which have performance impact).

I solved the same issue before few days and because Im still in dev
phase, I added this line to urls.py to let django serve my static
url(r'^admin-media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': '/opt/django-1.1/django/contrib/admin/media'}),

You have to change admin-media to your MEDIA PATH and document root to
place, where you have admin media files.

Hope this helps.


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