On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 02:36:21PM -0700, Margie Roginski spake thusly:
> the task creation date, they should see 3PM on Sept 3.   Is there a
> "best" way to handle this?  Things that come to mind are:

I am going to have to be dealing with this soon also. My plan is to
store datetime objects in the db in UTC. I then plan to have a user
profile with a timezone attribute for that user. Whenever I display a
date/time to the user I intend to convert it to their timezone. 

I am wondering if I have to just make an explicit conversion
everywhere I end up displaying them a time or if there is some slick
way I can override a method on datetime objects to automatically have
them return the correct timezone when being rendered in a template and
always be in UTC when going into the database.

Tracy Reed

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