I am using mysql.

Can someone clarify what format dates and times are stored in when
using just a standard DateTimeField?  Is my timezone encoded in the
database or is some generic, non-timezone-specific date/time stored?

I don't understand why I would want to save my timezone along with my
date/time.  It seems to me that I should just be saving the generic
form of the date/time and then rendering it in the format approriate
for the user that it is being rendered for.  IE, use the timezone only
when rendering, not when saving.


On Sep 4, 12:22 am, Maksymus007 <maksymus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Margie
> Roginski<margierogin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I've created a django app and I soon am going to have users that are
> > in multiple timezones.  My app is a task management system and it is
> > important for users to see dates and times with respect to their own
> > time zone.  IE, if here in California I create a task at 3PM on Sept
> > 3, I want someone in India to see it as being created at 1AM on Sept
> > 4.  Optimally, if that India employee travels to the US and looks at
> > the task creation date, they should see 3PM on Sept 3.   Is there a
> > "best" way to handle this?  Things that come to mind are:
> >  1. Create a deployment for each of my time zones where TIME_ZONE and
> > DATE_FORMAT are set appropriately for the time zone associated with
> > the deployment.  This seems painful ...
> >  2. Have a single deployment and whenever I display dates, use some
> > sort of tag that can figure out how to display the date correctly
> > based on the user's time zone
> >  3. I see there is a reusable app called django-timezones.  There is
> > not much doc with it, but I'm guessing this is targeted at what I am
> > trying to do.
> > Can anyone give any recommendations?  I'm happy to dive in and read
> > source (ie, for django-timezones app), but I just want to make sure
> > I'm heading in the right direction.
> > Thanks,
> have you tried to use postgres timestamp with time zone field? It has
> ability to make such a conversion on the fly and every date can be
> stored with timezone
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