I'm seeing some strange behavior related to anchors that I can't
really explain.  I'm going to give an example of what I'm seeing and
I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

Let's say I do a post and my  views.py code that services the post
returns like this:

      return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12/

(I am of course not hardcoding the redirect address - but have shown
it explictly here for clarity)

This correctly displays my /taskmanager/edit_task/12 page, taking me
part way down the page due to the #comment_101 anchor.

>From this url I do a second post.  The views.py code associated with
this second post returns like this:

    return HttpResponseRedirect('/taskmanager/edit_task/12')  # note
no comment_101 anchor

I thought this should take me to the top of my /taskmanager/edit_task/
12 page, but instead it takes me to /taskmanager/edit_task/12/
#comment_101.  It's like the #comment_101 anchor is cached in some

My runserver printouts from the second post and the get associated
with its redirect show this:

[12/Sep/2009 18:16:51] "POST /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 302
[12/Sep/2009 18:16:52] "GET /taskmanager/edit_task/12/ HTTP/1.1" 200

So the #comment_101 is not there, yet it still appears in my firefox
browser.   Anyone know why this is?


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