On 2009/9/13, tom <toab...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I have a model  to save measurement data. Every datarow has a
> identifier(CharField) and a value(FloatField) and a entry(ForeignKey).
> For example:
> Entry  Identifier  value
> 1        s1           100
> 1        d1           180
> 1        q5           300
> 2        z88           10
> ...
> ...
> With my query, i want to have as result:
>  entry value value value
>  1       100   180    300
> So, my query gets every value for a entry in a row.

This is a presentation issue, rather than a query one. You just want
to get all the values, and group your output by entry id.

So in your view you do:
values = Value.objects.all().order_by('entry_id')

and in your template:
{% for value in values %}
{% ifchanged value.entry_id %}
<tr><td>{% value.entry_id %}</td>
{% endifchanged %}
<td>{% value.value %}</td>
{% endfor %}

or something along those lines.
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