I've 'successfully' deployed django in a development environment on
Apache2. While, I've got it to work, I'm
thoroughly confused by the PythonPath setting needed for it to work.

I don't understand why I need to give the directory that contains the
django 'project' AND the directory that contains the django
'application' (see PythonPath below), since the directory that
contains the django 'project' also contains the django
'application' (see directory structure below).

Anyone know why I need to specify both 'project' and 'application'

PythonPath "['/var/django_projects/', '/var/django_projects/test/'] +

Directory structure:

| django_projects/ <--- General directory for all django work/projects
| | test/ <--- Django project directory created by: django-admin.py
startproject test
| | | test_app1/ <--- Django app directory created by: python
manage.py startapp test_app1
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