On Sep 14, 7:31 am, Dan06 <dan.king...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've 'successfully' deployed django in a development environment on
> Apache2. While, I've got it to work, I'm
> thoroughly confused by the PythonPath setting needed for it to work.
> I don't understand why I need to give the directory that contains the
> django 'project' AND the directory that contains the django
> 'application' (see PythonPath below), since the directory that
> contains the django 'project' also contains the django
> 'application' (see directory structure below).
> Anyone know why I need to specify both 'project' and 'application'
> directories?

Because you haven't prefixed all your imports or module path
references in urls.py with the name of the site.


> PythonPath "['/var/django_projects/', '/var/django_projects/test/'] +
> sys.path"
> Directory structure:
> var/
> | django_projects/ <--- General directory for all django work/projects
> | | test/ <--- Django project directory created by: django-admin.py
> startproject test
> | | | test_app1/ <--- Django app directory created by: python
> manage.py startapp test_app1
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