Hi there !

I try to understand why my form doesn't render anything. No exception
is raised and i'm going crazy !
In my forms.py I got these (simplified for instance) classes :

class SignupPasswordWidget(forms.MultiWidget):

    def __init__(self, attrs=None):
        widgets = (
            forms.PasswordInput(attrs={'class': 'first-password'}),
            forms.PasswordInput(attrs={'class': 'second-password'})
        super(SignupPasswordWidget, self).__init__(widgets, attrs)

    def decompress(self, value):
        return value

class SignupPasswordField(forms.MultiValueField):

    widget = SignupPasswordWidget

    def compress(self, data_list):
        return data_list

    def clean(self, value):
        if len(value[0]) is 0:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"Vous devez spécifier votre
mot de passe"))
        elif len(value[1]) is 0:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"Vous devez confirmer votre
mot de passe"))
        if not value[0] == value[1]:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"Votre mot de passe et sa
confirmation doivent ĂȘtre identiques"))
        return value[0]

class SignupForm(forms.Form):

    password   = SignupPasswordField(label=_(u"Mot de passe"))

In my template I just put "form.as_table()". If I remove "widget =
SignupPasswordWidget" in "SignupPasswordField", I show my (single)
password field. What am I doing wrong ?? Why don't I get an
Exception ? I tried many things like implement format_output or render
methods, but I still get nothing.

Please help !!!

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