I think I may have figured out what was happening. I did not have a
404.html in templates, and assume now that the messages were coming
only because of that (the missing template seemed consequential to me
and not the primary cause). I didn't think a template was necessary.
Can someone confirm that this is the case?


On Sep 26, 5:14 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 4:41 PM, troyhitch <troyhi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Michael -
> > Thanks. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to have solved the problem. I
> > updated settings.py on the culprit site with this:
> > IGNORABLE_404_STARTS = ('/cgi-bin/',)
> > ('favicon.ico','favicon.ico/','.php','.php/','robots.txt','robots.txt/')
> > But continue to see the same 404 warnings. I'm happy to file a bug,
> > but I'm still vexed as to why it would be working fine on the sister
> > site.
> What's the referring page for these listed as?  Checking my logs I don't
> ever see these things coming in with a referrer set, meaning they wouldn't
> generate broken links email.  I'm curious why you are seeing these come in
> (apparently) with referrers.
> Karen
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