Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

It seems to be popping up for all sorts of things -- from changing
verbose_name in order to globally relabel form fields in ModelForms to
changing __unicode__ methods to change template output.  I know there
are workarounds, but they seem less DRY.

On Sep 27, 5:02 pm, Michael Williamson <>
> On Sep 25, 9:59 pm, ringemup <> wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to override strings like help_text or
> > verbose_name or __unicode__ methods for models in contrib or third-
> > party apps?  I can't seem to find anything on Google.
> > Thanks!
> A reasonably hacktastic way of doing this is monkey-patching. For
> instance, say you want to override the __unicode__ method of the class
> Blog. Firstly, write the new method e.g.
>     def new_unicode(self):
>         return self._name
> Then, set the __unicode__ method of Blog to your new function:
>     Blog.__unicode__ = new_unicode
> Is this a horrible piece of code? Absolutely. But it is quick, and it
> works. A clean solution depends more on why you actually want to do
> this.
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