> > Is there any downside to starting with the models first?
> The biggest one is that if you decide later to add a field to the model that
> isn't there and you've filled in some data to the db.

I agree 100%. On this project (and some I've worked on before) I know
I'll be adding fields as it becomes apparent I'll need them. And I
know even with some great schema planning I'll still be adding fields
well after the test data for those models is in place.
> I tend to start with the models first and when I add a field, I just use alter
> to update the table in place. This has a gotcha with NOT NULL though, if you
> don't specify a default you'll end up with an error.  To bypass this error, I
> usually don't add the NOT NULL constraint till after I've added the field and
> updated the existing rows with the required data.
I might have to end up using this approach since it seems like a
relatively easy solution. It seems to me that this sort of thing is
the kind of thing that just requires a little repetition and grinding
(especially with a lot of changes...)
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