Peter Harley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to approach what I
> imagine is a fairly common issue.
> Say for example I'm developing a blog app (just to reinvent the wheel....
> again). In my blog posts I want to link to something else on my site.
> Normally I would use reverse (or {% url ... %} in a template) to avoid hard
> coding urls. If I'm saving my post to the database though, theres no way to
> do this.

Well, there's nothing actually stopping you running a text string
fetched from a database rather than a file through the django template
system?  OTOH, you might not actually want to expose full django
templating to blog post authors.

./ shell

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.template import Template, Context
s = 'Hello <a href="{{ u.get_absolute_url }}">{{u.username}}</a>'
t = Template(s)
u = User.objects.get(username='blah')
c = Context(dict(u=u))
print t.render(c)

=> Hello <a href="/accounts/user/blah/">blah</a>

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