I have an application that generates a list of items in a category.
Therefore i have this in my urls.py:

     (r'^categorie/(.*)/$', browse_page),

This is my view..py:

def browse_page(request, browse):
        browse_lijst = Nl.objects.all()
        menu = Menu_nl.objects.all().order_by('order')
        return render_to_response('p_verkoop_categorie.htm', {
                'browse_lijst': browse_lijst,
                'menu': menu,
        }, context_instance = RequestContext(request))

I have this in my template (i know this is ugly):
     {% ifequal x.lijst.__str__ browse.__str__ %}

I tried to remove the above from the template and replace this with
this in my view:
def browse_page(request, browse):
        menu = get_list_or_404(Menu_nl, slug=browse)
        browse_lijst = Nl.objects.filter(lijst=browse)
        return render_to_response('p_verkoop_categorie.htm', {
                'browse_lijst': browse_lijst,
                  'menu': menu,
        }, context_instance = RequestContext(request))

This leads to a template error:
Caught an exception while rendering: Incorrect integer value:

How and where should i convert the browser input into a string?


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