On 7 Jan., 13:22, Tomasz Zieliński <tomasz.zielin...@pyconsultant.eu>
> On Jan 7, 1:04 pm, Andreas Pfrengle <a.pfren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to implement a ChoiceField that's choices shall be
> > calculated during form instantiation in the view depending on the
> > users preferred language (according to request.LANGUAGE_CODE from
> > LocaleMiddleware).
> > Example forms.py:
> > CHOICES = zip(
> >     [x.number for x in MyModel.objects.all()],
> >     [x.locale.get(lang=request.LANGUAGE_CODE).name for x in
> > MyModel.objects.all()]
> > )
> > #locale is the manager from an generic relation (http://
> > docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/contenttypes/#id1)
> > MyForm(forms.Form):
> >     myfield = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CHOICES)
> 1. Maybe you could use ModelChoiceField:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/fields/#modelchoicefield
> 2. You could populate choices on each request, by writing custom
> __init__ in MyForm:
> def __init__(self, post=None, request=None):
>         if post:
>             super(MyForm, self).__init__(post)  # bound form
>         else:
>             super(MyForm, self).__init__()  # unbound form
>         self.fields['myfield'].choices = zip(
>     [x.number for x in MyModel.objects.all()],
>     [x.locale.get(lang=request.LANGUAGE_CODE).name for x in
> MyModel.objects.all()]
> --
> Tomasz Zielinskihttp://pyconsultant.eu

Hello Tomasz,

thanks for the quick answer, however your first suggestion doesn't
work, since I don't want a queryset, I just want to display a field of
a related model for every model in the queryset.
The second variant seems to work, even though I always get the result
for German language. But I suppose the problem is rather untested i18n
in my project than the formfield
However I'm wondering how I would transform this concept on Formsets.
I think I would somehow need to expand already the formsets __init__
to accept the additional 'request' parameter (otherwise I get "__init__
() got an unexpected keyword argument 'request'"), and then push it
forward to the forms __init__.
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