I've just instaled Django with this tutorial

My problem is when I execute django-admin.py startproject mysite , the
folder is not created, and the file django-admin.py is opened. What is
the problem?

I really need help, please.

Thanks in advance

On 11 ene, 22:54, spike <pwashingto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is just a brief tutorial I wrote for myself without the intention
> of releasing, but I figure if I can help just 1 person get started,
> then why keep it to myself.
> Again, not to be passed off as anything more then notes I wrote one
> afternoon for my own understanding on a Windows machine.
> Hope this helps someone. Comments ARE welcome.
> ---
> When creating a project you’ll want to link it to a database. So
> we'll, install Python, then Django, then the database. Create the
> project, setup the database, then launch the development server. For
> ease we’ll go with SQLite.
> Django requires Python 2.3 or higher.
> Install Python. When the installation is complete, add Python to the
> system path so that it can be accessed from the command prompt. To do
> this access “Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment
> Variables”. Select the “path” from the “System Variables” section and
> append the Python installation directory.
> Download and extract Django to the “C:\”. Then in the command prompt,
> “cd” to the extracted directory.
> To install Django run “(Django Directory) python setup.py install” or
> to manually install, copy the Django folder to the Lib > site-packages
> directory inside the Python directory.
> The last step to install, copydjango-admin.py from “(Django
> Directory) > django > bin” to either c:\ or the Python directory.
> After completed you will want to test the installation by running “c:
> \>pythondjango-admin.py --version”.
> Django supports many database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and
> SQLite. Django has a database layer, which will interact with any
> supported & selected database.
> Python 2.5 or later comes with the SQLite module named, “sqlite3”.
> SQLite stores the database in a single file.
> To use MySQL you must install the MySQL driver, which is titled
> “MySQLdb”.
> Django comes with its own preconfigured webserver but does support
> Apache and Lighttpd.
> Now, to create a new project, run “django-admin.pystartproject
> (project title)”.
> This command will create a folder named after the project title you
> entered. Inside this folder will be 4 files: __init__.py, manage.py,
> settings.py and urls.py. The file functions are as follows:
> i.      __init__.py: This file tells python to treat this folder as a
> package.
> ii.     manage.py: This is the project admin file, similar todjango-admin.py. 
> So similar in fact they share the same code.
> iii.    settings.py: The main configuration file. Includes your database
> settings, site language and Django features as well as more advanced
> functions.
> iv.     urls.py: Configuration file. Maps the URLs with the Python
> functions that handle them.
> Open settings.py and set the database with “DATABASE_ENGINE”. For
> SQLite enter “sqlite3”.
> Next, name the database with “DATABASE_NAME”. Name it after your
> project with “db” at the end. Example: “bookmarksdb”. Now save your
> file.
> Almost done. Cd into the project directory then tell Django to create
> tables for the database with the command “python manage.py syncdb”.
> Create your Superuser account. This process will create the file
> titled after the database name. This file holds the application data.
> Now run the development server with “python manage.py runserver”. You
> can also change the default port from 8000 by appending your desired
> port to the command.
> Open your browser tohttp://
> Done.
> ---

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