How correctly define syntax for the event in templates?

I want that all text in the text area
would be send to the python function "search2"
after i paste text or click mouse.
After making changes the text has to be pasted back to the same form.

Is it possible with python or i need java script?

Bellow is and diction.html which do not work,
 i.e. line:   " print "search2", search2, query "
do not print in terminal words which i pasted to the text area.


<form action="/search2" method="GET">
<textarea rows="10" cols="30" name = "t"      value ="t"
onchange='/search2'>  </textarea>
def search2(request):
    query = request.GET.get('Lpasted', '')
    print "search2", search2, query
    html=t.render( Context({'Lpasted':sentenc}) )
    return HttpResponse(html)

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