On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Steven Elliott Jr
<steven.elliot...@me.com> wrote:
> @Shawn
> Sorry if I was not clear with my question. It seems like a lot of sites that 
> I have seen on djangosites are news sites, or content-driven sites like 
> blogs, personal web pages, social networking-type sites like fluther.com, 
> etc. I was just curious if anyone has every sat down and wrote a distributed 
> application to handle the internal workings of a business. For instance in my 
> company we administer a range of benefits to over a million participants. We 
> have to do claims processing for health insurance claims, perform EDI 
> transactions that are HIPAA compliant, administer 401(k) benefits, administer 
> Pension benefits, etc. All of these things require system for the internal 
> staff and for users from the outside to access. Employers need to pay for 
> their employee's benefits, reconcile bills, participants need to check 
> account balances, reallocate investments, etc. I was just wondering if anyone 
> has used Django to do this (we host everything ourselves, btw).
> Right now we have Java and ASP.NET doing most of the work for us but the 
> systems are old and need updating. Not to mention budgetary constraints are 
> big thing now. I used Django to write an intranet application and it was very 
> nice and I think I can probably handle the other stuff, just wanted to draw 
> on other's experience.
> Thanks,
> Steve

We used django to implement a SAML 2.0 compliant SSO identity
provider, which then provides federated logins and personal data
across our entire range of web products, ranging from django based
websites which do statistical report generation, to C++ applications
written as apache modules with our own web framework, also doing
report generation.

Django is just another web framework, what you do with it is up to you.



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