On 24 mar, 06:39, Daniel <unagimiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm reading the django book and they say that you can validate a form
> like this in one line, checking for missing keys and missing data:
>  if not request.POST.get('subject', ' ')
>     errors.append('enter a subject')

Are you sure this is the very exact code ? IMHO it's probably
something like:

  if not request.POST.get('subject', ''):
     errors.append('enter a subject')

> I'm not sure how to read that line of code, though. Can someone
> explain please?
> Is this checking if the subject key is blank or nil and then appending
> the error?


> But if the subject key is nil,


> then the default value for the subject
> key is made to be blank (' ')?

Would be (and probably is) '', not ' ' (cf above and below).

wrt/ your question, it's not clear whether you ask if - in the case of
a missing key - .get() will actually update the request.POST object or
if it will just return the default instead. But anyway: request.POST
is documented has being mostly "a dict-like object" - IOW an object
that mostly behave like a regular python dict. If you don't know how a
regular python dict behave, then it's time you start learning Python.
Else nothing in Django will make sense to you.

> How does this code check for a non-existent subject key and the case
> that the subject key exists, but is just empty?

I give you two clues:

1/ dict.get(<key>[, default=None) returns either the value for <key>
or default if <key> is not in dict.

2/ an empty string has a false value in a boolean test.

And a general advice: do at least the official Python intro tutorial.
You can't expect to make proper use a framework if you don't learn the
language it's based on.

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