On Mar 24, 2:08 pm, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:

> http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#staticmethod
> It means that the method is function that, when you run it, doesn't 
> specifically belong to any particular instance, but to the class itself.
> Shawn

Thanks Shawn. That URL's not working but I think I understand the
gist. To attach it to this problem: Usually when I define a method on
my model classes, they're accessible from views just attributes,
almost as if they were fields. In this case though I'm accessing the
model field or method not from a view but from admin.py and it's not
working. It sounds like you're saying that the model method is not
attaching to an instance like it usually does (which is why "self"
doesn't work). But I'm no closer to figuring out how why it's
different from model methods accessed from within views, or how I can
fix it.


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