On 14/04/10 23:15, Bill Freeman wrote:

The trouble is, I don't know how.  Just calling django.db.transaction.rollback()
doesn't work, and neither do several other guesses.

N.B. Despite eventually signalling a TransactionManagementError if django doesn't "think" it's in a transaction-managed chunk, that method typically _does_ successfully roll back the current db transaction (ultimately with the connection._rollback() private method already mentioned by Joe) prior to signalling the error. Which is a bit confusing, yes.

Perhaps it would be nice if the interactive shell had an option to start up already in the transaction managed mode*, but in the meantime you can manage it yourself -

"just" interactively pretend to be some of the transaction management setup code at the shell prompt, and you can avoid that error being raised upon rollback() - i.e. before and after your stuff, type in what @commit_manually does before and after the functions it decorates to switch into and out of managed mode:

See source, but basically just transaction.enter_transaction_management() then transaction.managed(True) before and transaction.leave_transaction_management() after - the latter will rollback and raise an error if you forgot to commit or rollback, and remember to commit and rollback as necessary during your stuff.

This is useful to know how to do anyway for complex interactive manipulations from the shell you might want to rollback as a whole.

[Loosely related - there is also the autocommit django setting for postgresql to consider, I haven't really 100% got my head around all ramifications of it yet - this blog post has been very helpful though:



- note in particular turning it on apparently doesn't preclude sections of code being under full transaction management (as the name might suggest to some people)]

* say:

current behaviour (which is same as @autocommit),
line-by-line commit on successful line or rollback if the line raises an error, a session commit on successful exit, (two conceivably variations analogous to @commit_on_success)
full manual management (analogous to @commit_manually)

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