
My config.php file.

 * Basic settings

// masterPath: externally visible URL
$masterPath = "http://dltest/dl/";;

// fromAddr: "From:" address for outgoing e-mails
$fromAddr = "ticket service <nob...@ifp.fr>";

// spoolDir: spool directory for uploaded files, ticket and user databases
$spoolDir = "/var/spool/dl/";

// defLocale: default locale (the charset is always UTF-8)
$defLocale = "en_EN";

 * Advanced settings (defaults commented)

// cfgVersion: configuration file version
$cfgVersion = "0.7";

// logFile: set this if you want new tickets, downloads and purges logged to a
//          file. If the setting contains no slashes, it will be used as a tag
//          and the message will go to syslog. By default, do not log.
$logFile = "/var/log/dl/ticket.log"; // log to file
//$logFile = "dl_ticket"; // log via syslog

// phpExt: external PHP extension
//         you can use "" to hide PHP exposure if you enable apache's
//         MultiViews option or use an URL rewriting mechanism
//$phpExt = ".php";

// maxSize: maximum upload filesize (defaulting to PHP's setting)
//          note that changing maxSize does *not* enforce upload_max_filesize
//$maxSize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');

// authRealm: HTTP authentication realm
//            When using HTTP authentication, authRealm should match the HTTP
//            realm name in order for "logout" to have any effect.
//$authRealm = "Restricted Area";

// dsn: set the DSN of your database (read the installation manual)
// $dsn = "sqlite:$dataDir/data.sdb";

// sessionName: PHP session name (to ensure session uniqueness)
//              The default name is generated as:
//$sessionName = "DL" . md5($masterPath);

// gcProbability: Probability that a page request triggers the automatic
//                expiration of old tickets. A number ranging from 0 to 1,
//                where 1 means that any request will purge old tickets.
//$gcProbability = 1.;

// gcLimit: Maximum number of tickets to remove at every expiration.
//          If 0 is used, all expired tickets are removed at once.
//$gcLimit = 0;


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Yuri D'Elia [mailto:wav...@thregr.org] 
Envoyé : vendredi 25 juin 2010 16:48
À : Download Ticket Service
Objet : Re: [dl-ticket-service] how to clean spool directory

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 08:57:01 +0200
"MOKRANI Rachid" <rachid.mokr...@ifp.fr> wrote:

> The files are ONLY removed from the server if they are not expired in
> the web interface and when I can acces to it in the "active ticket"
> and purge the file automatically. In this case, yes the file is
> removed from the server and I received an email about this purge
> acton.

Can you post your include/config.php file?

> When I created a new ticket I have the following message in error.log
> from apacahe PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  7
> in /var/www/html/htdocs/include/gettext/gettext.inc on line 86,
> referer: http://testdl/dl/admin.php?a=newt
> When the file is download the following message
> [error] [client X.X.X.X] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  7
> in /var/www/html/htdocs/include/gettext/gettext.inc on line 86

I noticed these warnings, but they're harmless. I will remove them in
the next release.


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