Hi Yuri,

I d'ont received a second email to inform the ticket is removed after the first 

But if I purge manually the ticket, yes in this case I received a second email. 

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Yuri D'Elia [mailto:wav...@thregr.org] 
Envoyé : mardi 29 juin 2010 13:11
À : Download Ticket Service
Objet : Re: [dl-ticket-service] how to clean spool directory

On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 08:22:07 +0200
"MOKRANI Rachid" <rachid.mokr...@ifp.fr> wrote:

> Any help for the reason, why the files are note delete on the server ?

I've checked on our testing machine with a fresh install, but it's
working ok.

Try creating a new ticket, set all expiration parameters to 0, except
for 'number of downloads' set to 1. Also set a notification email
(yours). Download the file, twice.

Do you get the second e-mail about the removal of the ticket?

> I would like to had, I dont have "sqlite" on my system. I have
> "sqlite3".

sqlite/sqlite3 is only used to create the DB. That's ok.

> // authRealm: HTTP authentication realm
> //            When using HTTP authentication, authRealm should match
> the HTTP //            realm name in order for "logout" to have any
> effect. //$authRealm = "Restricted Area";

Note that you must set this parameter correctly to "DL Web Site: Login
with user id" (looking at your old apache config) to make logout work.


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