On 11/23/2013 01:41 AM, Daniel Berteaud wrote:
>> But otherwise the user can change it afterwards.
> I'll probably patch my installation so that USER_EMAIL header
> override what is in the database. I usually prefer controlling
> everything in one place: my LDAP server. When the company change the
> domain name, or their email policies (changing from daniel.berteaud
> to d.berteaud for example), I just set it in one place, then the
> WebSSO will export it to all my webapps, and everything will be
> updated automatically.

I need to add some way for system administrators to enforce any
settings, such as maximum expiration time, and now also email. This is
definitely also something I need.

There is a bit too much scattering in the code, and I would like to
avoid adding checks in a million places. For instance, if you enforce
email, I'd like to hide the email field from the preferences (or turn it
readonly). I would like to apply that logic for most fields in
ticket/grant creation.

(no clear idea/plan about doing it yet)

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