On 07/30/2014 06:31 PM, Greg Bailey wrote:
> Hi Yuri (and others),
> I'm putting the finishing touches on RPM ingredients to submit dl as a 
> package for Fedora and Fedora EPEL (for RHEL, CentOS, etc.).
> I maintain a few other packages in Fedora so hopefully I've covered most 
> of the "gotchas".  :)
> I've checked for existing submissions and it doesn't appear that anyone 
> else has started this effort yet?  I'd like to confirm that's the case 
> before going too much further.
> Yuri, would you be open to including the RPM .spec file in the repository?

I have no problem with that, as long as there's somebody willing to
maintain it :). It's a long time I didn't touch Fedora/RH, so I couldn't
really help anybody with the spec.

Just as a note, Debian generally suggests to have the packaging
infrastructure as a different project unless it's a core Debian package.
For example, it's common practice to patch sample configuration files
and documentation to their actual installation paths without affecting
the source package. No idea if that's considered good practice or not
also in Fedora. (I'm telling just because I maintain a few packages in

As for the code, I would suggest to use 0.13:


I'll write the announcement soon.

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