>> But see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-levine-herkula-oneclick/

>Is this really a good idea? Spammers will add this new header as they added
>List-Unsubscribe headers as well and you will kindly validate the spammed
>email address if a user marks it as junk.

There are much, much, easier ways to validate recipient addresses such
as web bugs, which spammers could use if they cared, which they
haven't for at least the past decade.  Or for that matter, they could
use the existing List-Unsubscribe, which has been around since 1998.

We address this and other stuff in the Security Considerations section
in the draft.


PS: This really has nothing to do with DMARC.  The discussions
about this draft have been on the IETF dispatch mailing list.
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