I'm seeing a growing number of bounce-back errors from major players who have DMARC fully implemented.

I have some observations, questions and a suggestion.



There's a pattern here that I suspect is only going to grow:

* User R with SomeCo creates an email filter rule to auto-forward some subset of incoming emails to their smart phone or other alternate mailbox (gmail, apple, etc)

* From 'R's perspective, they simply want those emails to show up in their "other inbox"

* From Google/Apple/etc perspective, those emails get the full treatment for:
    - SPF/DKIM/DMARC validity
    - Anti-spam filtering
    - Etc.

The result (with varying details):

a) Originator "O" of the email may get a DMARC bounceback (see example below) indicating that gmail (or whoever) would not accept the message.
b) User "R" with the forwarding rule may find messages not showing up on their phone.
c) Google/Apple/etc may start treating SomeCo as a source of spam

...and the hard part: from Originator and User perspective, everybody's doing what is "normal" but the email systems are causing grief. Only an expert examining headers and server logs can get a clue about what is happening.

In a perfect world all software will perfectly implement DMARC. In the meantime, users get frustrated and email gets blocked.

1) Is anyone working to solve these issues?
2) Has there been consideration of a forwarding token that could validate all such emails?

a) Since user+al...@dom.ain is a valid alias for u...@dom.ain ...
b) Why not create a standard for personal forwarding authentication tokens? I.e.
           * A typical mechanism is used to create token asd!_4521Zxy
           * asd!_4521Zxy is stored as PrivateForwardToken in gmail box or ???
           * User forwards their email to user+asd!_4521...@gmail.com instead of
           * Google auto-approves all such email as if it were internal rather than
              externally sourced.

[Probably needs modifying so such messages are rapidly recognized during transport... but I want to make sure end users can easily implement this on ANY email client, ANY email service, without help.]


I sent email to a friend. I received this bounceback. I was surprised to hear that my friend received the message... until on questioning he realized he also was auto-copying to a gmail box.

Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:

                 Received: 5.7.1 Unauthenticated email from icta.net is not accepted due to domain's
                                       5.7.1 DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of icta.net domain if
                                       5.7.1 this was a legitimate mail. Please visit
                                       5.7.1  https://support.google.com/mail/answer/2451690 to learn about the
                                       5.7.1 DMARC initiative. s4-v6si8436056ita.127 - gsmtp

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