Douglas Otis writes:


Grr.  Doesn't describe the problem!  Is it that a QuickBooks client
using a mailbox at a "p=reject" domain is having QuickBooks send
invoices on their behalf?

If that's it, I have a great deal for them.  Register a domain and get
their company name, instead of Yahoo!'s, in From:.

Or (cheaper), Quickbooks just checks for "p=<not none>", and if so
overrides any company-specific config, and puts QuickBooks in From:
(with a working "p=reject" policy, even!), "Your <month> invoice from
<company>" in subject, and the company address in Reply-To.

Even supposing the company doesn't like either of those options, it's
not clear to me that the "p=reject" domain is going to necessarily be
happy trusting QuickBooks, even once TPA-Labels gets implemented.

 > I know of many small operations with similar services and
 > previously working strategies.

Much less so the effort required to vette a million small operations
(who could actually be the Yahoo! customer requesting a TPA-label for
a vendor they use -- how does TPA-label deal with collusion between
authors and relays?)

So, yeah, I sympathize with the Mom & Pop shops whose kids go hungry
this month because the bills didn't go out, and with the small
operations tearing their hair out because they've got a thousand
paying customers at Yahoo! whose content isn't arriving at
destination, but I really don't see TPA-Labels as a solution to this
problem yet.

 > > Again, I seem to require an additional clue.  DMARC feedback is
 > > working fine AFAICS.  It may be costly, and we want to reduce those
 > > costs, of course.  But "p=reject" OTOH is a more or less legitimate
 > > denial of service, a completely different issue.  Are you talking
 > > about a different kind of feedback?
 > Rather than having a channel only between receiver-to-sender, there
 > should also be a channel between sender-to-receiver.

We already have such a channel (the _dmarc subdomain).  What is this
new channel for?

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