Franck Martin writes:

 > I'm not sure it is wise to encourage the use of "invalid" domains
 > in any of the email headers.

Remember, we think *all* of the mitigations should be discouraged in
favor of not permitting posts from "p=reject" domains.  But we also
know that will be unacceptable to most of our list operators.

 > The use of the .INVALID is likely to create problems in the future,
 > if not already with reputation systems.

We'll warn our users (list operators) of the troubles we know of.
Corrupting an existing mailbox in the header of a post in any way is
at the bottom of the list of the things we think a mailing list should
do, of course (unless it's part of the terms of service of the list --
eg, anonymous lists).

BTW, I'm not particularly worried about reputation systems for spam-
fighting.  I believe it's a fundamentally unsound idea, aiming at the
one resource that we *know* spammers put zero value on: reputation of
Internet addresses.  Both their own (because they keep those carefully
hidden), and the reputations of the hosts, individuals, and services
they parasitize.


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