On Jun 3, 2014, at 8:44 PM, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

>> Yes the email is legitimate, but how does the MTA knows it?
>> Well a bayesian filter has learned that this type of content is legitimate, 
>> and then one day a spammer
>> uses the same content, but change one link...
> That could happen to any mail feature you care to name.
> Big companies send buckets of mail with return addresses like
> "donotrespond".  A non-deliverable or non-replyable From: line has
> never had much connection to whether to deliver the mail.

I agree that From addresses such as these will suffer no adverse deliverability 

nore...@github.com, donotre...@etrade.com

But that is not equivalent to putting non-resolvable gibberish on the right 
side of the @ sign. That's a reliable way of assuring that such messages do not 
get queued on my server. As a matter of practicality, I highly doubt that I'm 
unique in requiring that the sender domain (envelope and header) resolve.

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