On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 12:25 AM, Vlatko Salaj <vlatko.sa...@goodone.tk>

> imo, what all current DMARC deployments lack is notice to
> end receiver mailbox about any DMARC validation done on a
> particular message, and how it validated.
> thus, similarly to Franck's Advice to MUAs, i would propose
> adding this kind of txt to DMARC draft:
> "DMARC participating MTAs SHOULD include Authentication Results
> for all underlying protocols (SPF/DKIM), as well as such results
> for DMARC validation itself, among headers of original messages,
> during DMARC processing, so they are delivered to end user's
> mailbox with the message.
> [...]

That's interesting.  I imagine I assumed they were all (or would all be)
doing that already, so it wasn't made explicit.

I'm not so sure about the SHOULD because the only interoperability A-R
enables is stuff between the verifiers and the MUAs and humans, really.  It
certainly wouldn't be a bad idea for us to highlight how useful it would be

It is mentioned in Section 6, but the mention there doesn't even say that
it's the DMARC result that's supposed to be recorded.  That bit at least
needs to be fixed.

Anyone else have a comment?

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