> We based DMARC spec on the From header because it is visible to the end
> user.

Unfortunately, that's sort of a red herring.  Most email clients show
the "pretty text" of the From (the display-name ABNF construct) if it
exists, and actually *hide* the actual address (the addr-spec ABNF

Putting as much value on RFC5322 From as DMARC does follows
conventional wisdom, but I believe that wisdom is flawed.

Of course, that speaks to the advice you want to give: tell UIs that
they should show the From addr-spec to users always.  But be clear
about what you're asking for: you're not saying they should do it
because it's objectively "right"; you're saying they should do it
because it helps support the decision that DMARC has made.


> I understand it is hard to indicate a UI design specification, but we
> should advice MUA that this header and especially the domain name(s) found
> there are important, and they should remain visible and easily readable (in
> a non confusing way) to the end user.

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