On 6/10/2014 8:16 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> I'm suggesting the information could be used in the MUA UI. 
> (4) Recipient MUA has a choice of
>     (a) Displaying decorated Subject verbatim.
>     (b) Displaying z= Subject verbatim.
>     (c) Matching decorated and z= subjects, and discarding mismatched
>         portions.
>     (d) As (c), but demphasizing mismatched decorations (eg,
>         grey-on-grey).
>     (e) Something else.
> I'm suggesting something along the lines of (b), (c), or (d). 

So now I get to demonstrate that I am an equal-opportunity MUA UI
guidance critic:

   The premise of your proposal is that users will notice that there's
extra information, know what to do with it, and do the right thing, with
reasonable consistency.

Each of those conditionals will not actually be satisfied.  User's tend
not to notice such things.  The tend not to understand what they mean.
Even when they understand, they tend to evaluate choices poorly.  They
tend to apply choices inconsistently.

Everything gets much easier if we specify guidance for filtering
engines, before humans come into the picture.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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