I support making no change in dmarc-base-05 that might change how current
mailbox providers implement dmarc-base.  But to the extent this collection
of contributors would like to see the recommendations/requirements in
section 5.6.1 updated to better harmonize with related RFC's, I support
Trent's proposal as it seems to introduce the least amount of increased
risk to fraud.

That said, we do have people here familiar with large-scale mailbox
provider deployments (Google, Yahoo!, Hotmail, etc.).  I'd like to ask them
if they expect Trent's changes to have any impact on how they implement
dmarc-base today.  If it will, I think we should consider these changes for
a future version of dmarc-base and let this version go through with these
requirements unchanged.  As you all know, there are now years of experience
deploying dmarc-base with these requirements as written.  Those deployments
have had tremendous success protecting users from domain-spoofing the
RFC5322.From field.

The importance of the current dmarc-base specification's efficacy at
blocking domain-spoofed phishing attacks should not be underestimated.  I
advise extreme caution when considering any normative changes at the 11th

Dear high volume MBP's, will any of these changes in Trent's proposal alter
how you implement dmarc-base today?


On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 2:26 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 8:57 PM, <turnb...@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
>> Trent Adams writes:
>> > -----
>> > It is important to note that identifier alignment cannot occur, and
>> > DMARC determination applied, with a message that is not valid per RFC
>> > 5322 [MAIL].  This is particularly true when a message has a malformed
>> > or absent RFC5322.From field.
>> > -----
>> I occasionally see non-ASCII octets introduced by spam/virus checkers in
>> X-Spam-* fields in the header or in the (non-8-bit) message body, due to
>> copying message content into those contexts.  The From field is perfectly
>> valid, however.  Does that really mean that identifier alignment cannot
>> occur?
>> (I think that is a plausible policy choice, since in an invalid message
>> "anything can happen".  But I don't see that it's a no-brainer.)
> Do you have another suggestion?
> Note that there's nothing normative in Trent's suggestion.  If a receiver
> thinks it can continue with the X-Spam-* fields malformed as described,
> then it can continue on that basis.
>> > Starting off, we can ignore a <null> address in the RFC5322.From field
>> > as DMARC will have no bearing in that case.  Similarly, when there is
>> > exactly one address in the RFC5322.From field, application of DMARC is
>> > reasonably straight forward.
>> By "DMARC", you really mean "DMARC policy", right?  DMARC the protocol
>> does need to say something about what happens if alignment fails or no
>> policy can be discovered.
> That's how I understood what he said.
>> > That leaves taking some action based on the DMARC policies associated
>> > with the set of domains represented in the RFC5322.From field.  It seems
>> > that the most reasonable approach is to gather the DMARC policies for
>> > all addresses, and then apply the most strict.
>> I wouldn't call that "reasonable".  It's the only plausible option, but
>> here's the problematic use case:
>> Co-Chairs Trent and Stephen decide to hold a meeting of The Committee.
>> For organizational political reasons it is necessary that (a) both names
>> appear on the memo and (b) Stephen has to do the dirty work.  Stephen
>> sends the mail "From: tr...@example.com, step...@example.org", with
>> proper
>> SPF and DKIM setups.  Unfortunately, example.com publishes p=reject,
>> example.com alignment fails because Stephen sent the message, the MTAs
>> reject the message, and nobody except Trent and Stephen shows up to the
>> meeting.  I see two ways this message could pass DMARC: Stephen has the
>> keys for example.com, or the Japanese "ringi" system, where I write and
>> sign the message, send it to Trent, who then signs the message but
>> otherwise forwards it verbatim.  Both seem fragile to me.
>> OTOH, only checking policies of aligned SPF source domains and DKIM
>> signers means that Stephen (or any scammer) can add "po...@whitehouse.gov
>> "
>> to the From field and pass DMARC.  It's obvious what the Felons of April
>> would do with that.
>> I guess the most plausible approach to this issue is to say that if you
>> want to use DMARC and have multiple authors, you must contrive to give all
>> the authors mailboxes in the same domain.  In the example, I could create
>> the-committee.example.org for committee members, or give trent a
>> forwarding mailbox at example.org itself.
> Ned, do you concur with this analysis?  Is Trent's proposal coupled with
> this caveat a valid remedy for your point?
>> > Given all that, here's my suggested revision to Section 5.6.1.:
>> >
>> > -----
>> > 5.6.1.  Extract Author Domain
>> >
>> > In order to be processed by DMARC, the domain(s) must be extracted from
>> > the domain of the email address(es) within the addr-spec portion of the
>> > RFC5322.From field. If the domain is encoded with UTF-8, the domain name
>> > must be converted to an A-label for further processing. If no domain is
>> > found, the message SHOULD be rejected (as it is forbidden under RFC 5322
>> I still don't think a null From filed is any business of DMARC the
>> protocol.  That's really an issue for (a) the security considerations
>> section or (b) the planned BCP.
> I think we're all in agreement on that point so far.
>> > [MAIL]).  If more than one domain identifier is found, the full set of
>> > domains MAY be collected as a set of identifiers for DMARC processing.
>> But this seems to be the insecure approach I describe above:
>> >    5.  Conduct identifier alignment checks.  With authentication checks
>> >        and policy discovery performed, the Mail Receiver checks if
>> >        Authenticated Identifiers fall into alignment as described in
>> >        Section 3.  If one or more of the Authenticated Identifiers align
>> >        with an identifier extracted from the addr-spec of the
>> >        RFC5322.From domain, the message is considered to pass the
>> >        DMARC mechanism check.
>> AFAICS this allows me (using a throwaway mailbox at a throwaway domain) to
>> send spam that passes DMARC on your behalf, as long as my mailbox appears
>> in From, too.  Am I misunderstanding your proposed algorithm?
> No, because in (6) the strictest rule applies.  Your throwaway domain
> might pass, but the other advertised author's would not.
>> >        All other conditions (authentication
>> >        failures, identifier mismatches) are considered to be DMARC
>> >        mechanism check failures.
>> Bottom line, I think both messages where no Authenticated Identifiers can
>> be extracted and those where multiple Authenticated Identifiers can be
>> extracted should be defined to be mechanism check failures.  In the former
>> case, policy discovery is impossible, in the latter, the strictest policy
>> should be applied.
> Right, I think that's what Trent is also saying.
> And everyone seems to agree on just dropping STARTTLS as well.
> -MSK
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