Murray S. Kucherawy writes:

 > Does anyone have actual data (not theory, not passion, but data)
 > that any of the policy or third-party solutions we've discussed
 > before can work, work just about everywhere, and work at scale?

Speaking only for myself, at this stage I would accept *theory* that
it *can work*, with the caveat that it must be accompanied by an
analysis of all possible failure modes, and preferably with
(theoretical :-) mitigations for the failures.  I haven't seen
anything like that, just handwaving about "if we implement the policy
framework, spam will go away and the mailing lists will have to come
to heel (ie, register with the author domains for 3rd party auth)."

Again speaking for myself, I think it's inappropriate to ask for data
about working at scale at this point (although that's a bridge that
eentually needs to be crossed).

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